The Lovely Rose Bouquet makes a stunning gift that pairs perfectly with chocolate, wine, and more. Delight your friends and family with a truly beautiful fresh flower gift that will brighten any space. Featured in this gift is a wonderful 12-stem bouquet of pink and white roses gathered with greenery into a floral wrap tied with ribbon. Of course, you may add on your choice of wine, champagne, gourmet snacks, and more from our custom options.
This is what is included in this gift:
Bouquet - 12 Stem Pink & White Rose Bouquet : This bouquet includes 12 pink & white roses gathered together with Baby’s Breath and greenery in a floral wrap and tied with designer ribbon.
Have a special occasion coming up but not sure what to get your loved ones? Take your pick from our selection of flower gifts and flower arrangements from Vancouver Baskets that are sure to impress! Our bespoke selection of floral indulgences include popular floral designs and varieties that are sure to delight anyone who receives it. Completely tried and true, these gifts will make for a winning choice no matter what the affair. Indulge in our expansive selection of floral creations today!