This Valentine’s Day, express your love with the timeless elegance of the Rosedale Red Rose Bouquet from Vancouver Baskets. Roses, synonymous with love, offer the perfect gesture to show your affection to that special someone in your life. This gift basket features a stunning bouquet of 12 hand-tied red roses with baby’s breath, ruscus, and eucalyptus gathered into a floral wrap and tied with ribbon. Send a heartfelt message with this timeless gift, and you have the option to enhance your gift basket with additional items such as wine, champagne, spirits, gourmet food items, and more. Make every gift exceptional with Vancouver Baskets.
This is what is included in this gift:
Bouquet - 12 Stem Red Rose Bouquet : This bouquet features 12 red roses, ruscus, baby's breath, and eucalyptus, gathered in a floral wrap and tied with ribbon.
Have a special occasion coming up but not sure what to get your loved ones? Take your pick from our selection of flower gifts and flower arrangements from Vancouver Baskets that are sure to impress! Our bespoke selection of floral indulgences include popular floral designs and varieties that are sure to delight anyone who receives it. Completely tried and true, these gifts will make for a winning choice no matter what the affair. Indulge in our expansive selection of floral creations today!